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Overwatch's next PvE mission is a Blackwatch strike in Italy

Last year, the Overwatch Uprising event delved into Overwatch's history by giving players a chance to experience Tracer's first mission: the King's Row Uprising. This year, the event—now officially named Overwatch Archives—returns with a new PvE mission: Retribution. Retribution is a Blackwatch mission involving Reaper, Genji, McCree, and Moira that takes place approximately one year before Uprising. The mission takes place in Venice, Italy on a map called Rialto, with the Blackwatch team fighting against the forces of Talon. Following the Retribution event, Rialto will also be introduced as a PvP map, though it will first make its way to the PTR for some testing. Like last year's Uprising event, Retribution will be playable in story mode with the four main heroes, as well as in all-heroes mode, letting you play through it with any sort of crazy team composition you can think of. In addition, Retribution will feature specially designed menus and lea

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